New-age technologies vital in medical treatment, feel experts

Advanced technologies would help avoid possible human error in prescriptions and prognosis reports

Modern technologies such as artificial intelligence, including machine learning, is proving to immensely beneficial in the arena of medical treatment analysis even as doctors remain irreplaceable in healthcare system. Analytics is where new-age technologies contribute the most in medical science by arriving at a single solid opinion whereas physicians may come up with divergent views.

These were the views expressed by experts at a national medical technology conclave christened ‘Health Tech Summit 2022’ organised in Kochi by the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) in association with Kerala’s Ministry of Health and Caritas Hospital. Speakers were of the opinion that such advanced facilities avoid possible human error in prescriptions and prognosis reports.

Limitation of health sector technologies also comes up for discussion

These apart, technology has its limitations, which doctors and paramedical staff alone can compensate through their compassionate conduct and interaction with patients, they added while discussing the latest trends and innovations in health sector.

Even as more technologists are also serving as doctors, the health tech sector can bloom only with the support of medical science, panellists at discussions noted at the Health Tech Summit 2022 held in cooperation with IT Kerala, State Family Welfare Department, eHealth Kerala and technology business incubator TIMed. Healthtech is enabling major advancements in the maintenance of medical records, help to patients, one-on-one meetings and remission of treatment fees. Developing in-house software is increasingly the trend with hospitals, thus increasing the scope for use of technology in medical sector, the sessions noted.

No less than 35 experts addressed the sessions, delving into subjects such as Digital Solutions Landscape for Hospitals, Relevance of Technology Interventions in Scaling a Healthcare Business, Healthcare Innovation in Digital Technologies, Breaking Health Data Silos for Better AI Research, Leveraging Data and Analytics in Healthcare, Epidemic — Best Models via Technology, Revolutions in Healthcare Skills, Investment Landscape in Healthtech, Overview of Medical Devices and Innovation Healthcare Startups.

Images courtesy: Pixabay

Sustainable development to tackle future challenges

Earlier inaugurating the summit, Kerala’s Health Minister Veena George said that the government is implementing steps that ensure prompt action to counter any kind of healthcare exigencies by ensuring sufficient availability of quality professionals.

“We are a state that carried out Covid-19 control measures even before the WHO announced protocols around the global pandemic. For this, our experience in countering the Nipah virus (that broke out in mid-2018) was of enormous help,” the Minister recalled, adding that “More virus attacks may come. We are set to face them.” The Health Department envisions sustainable development to tackle future challenges, she noted.

HealthTech Summit 2022 aims to capitalise the prospects of Kerala’s status as a frontrunner in wellness, has been scheduled at a time when health tech is the country’s fastest-growing startup sector after FinTech. The debates will be on the challenges in health-related data leveraging, with startups getting an opportunity to showcase their products and services to the hospitals and healthcare administrators.